How it all started
We are Anette & Susanne, the founders of Radical Broccoli. Radical Broccoli was created out of a feeling that “there was something more out there”. Back in 2014, we felt something had to change. We were feeling stuck, bored, exhausted, and unhappy. We knew there had to be a possibility to feel happier, healthier, more abundant, freer and to live richer lives. We decided to quit our jobs and create the lives we dreamed of. It didn't feel worth it to live an unfulfilling life. What were we to look back on?
The journey began in the world of plant-based food. What could we eat to feel healthier, happier, and to take better care of the world? That led us into discovering a whole world within sustainability and eco-friendly living. We found products, people, food, and projects that helped make the world more sustainable, and shared them with the world.
As an extension of this outer journey, we started looking within, to create true inner sustainability, to heal old wounds, to learn to live and thrive as entrepreneurs, sisters, and friends, and feel whole again.
Nature has always inspired us. When we felt ill, we could understand what nature felt like when being polluted by our poor habits. Nature also taught us how life moves in seasons. No day will be the same, and we need to accept change. Nature helped us feel how we are inherently worthy, that not one single thing, being or person is the same and that that is our gift. Nature also showed us the biggest secret - how abundance is our natural state.
With our discoveries came a passion to share. We have now created a community of over 23.000 people, and we are still so passionate about our mission. Welcome to the Radical Broccoli community.
Professional background

Susanne Bastviken
Susanne has a background from the EAT Foundation, A.T. Kearney, and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Susanne holds an M. Sc. in Business and Administration from Copenhagen Business School.

Anette Bastviken
Anette has a background from the EAT Foundation, Norwegian Armed Forces, and The Norwegian Atlantic Committee. She holds an M.A. in War Studies from Kings College, London.
Radical Broccoli has experienced...
Being awarded “top 30 under 30 leading stars who will change the world for the better” in D2 Magazine.
Writing the best-selling book “Jordnært - Enkle tips til en mer miljøvennlig hverdag”, about second-hand clothes, delicious plant-based food, hardcore facts about plastic and recycling, organic products, and natural makeup.
Being front figures in the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) campaign on animal extinction.
Making appearances on Norway’s biggest national TV channel NRK in the series «Planet Plast», the Norwegian media house VGTV, TV2, and on BBC Radio.
Working with organizations such as EAT Foundation and Æra Strategic Innovation.
Collaborating with the environmental organization Nordic Ocean Watch.
Creating a podcast enjoyed by thousands of listeners each week.
The podcast was nominated to "Initiative of the Year" by Costume Awards in 2020.
Launching their e-book Radical Courage, and the following success course - Radical Courage the course.
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