Life is about the everyday moments, and I believe we are here to LOVE the life that we live. To go to bed grateful, and wake up eager for a new day. I believe you came here on earth for a reason, and that you have something valuable to share with the world. Often fear can hold us back from living the kind of life that we truly desire. We can feel stuck, scared, and frustrated. I will help you release these blocks! When you start to know yourself, you will see that the only thing to fear is your own power. 


I work on a strategic, practical, and energetic level - tapping into your energy to release whatever it is that is holding you back. Usually (always) it’s a program from childhood that needs to be released and understood. When you work with me, you will need to take new action based on your new beliefs. This is when the magic happens. 
I have created an everyday life that I love. It has not always been that way. I used to work in a job that I was miserable with, had health issues, and was generally not happy. Until I understood, LIFE IS HERE AND NOW. No one else will push me to go for my dreams, I have to be in the driver seat. Over the last few years I have completely transformed everything, my relationships, my career, my health, and my home. I have a lifestyle that I love and I take my growth very seriously. Because I truly know it was an inside job. I will help you do the same. I believe that we are not meant to do this alone. 


Book a free 15 min discovery call

Testimonials from previous clients:

"I have worked with Anette on and off for several years now, and I will never let go of her! She is a life coach far beyond what one can imagine, because the way she sees you is completely unique. She guides with a steady hand using a magical combination of different techniques, and no matter how I've felt before a session, everything is turned around before we finish. It's as if she breathes love, good self-esteem and motivation, yes light, into the soul, and then everything becomes clear, so that you can focus on what really matters. If you're wondering whether to get in touch, don't wait, don't postpone changing your life, because if there's one person who has guided me in changing focus and seeing all the valuable things life offers when you're open, it's Anette!"


"Coaching with Anette has transformed my life. She is such a wise person and I am so lucky to have her as my coach. The last two years she has supported me through my shadow work, helped me realise that I am so valuable just by being me, that I deserve to be treated really well both by friends and family, taught me to be kinder to myself and more proud of myself and to believe that I really have something valuable to contribute with in this world. You have made me believe in myself and I am eternally grateful.
I am really proud of the person I am today, advocating for a consent law in Norway by using my own story, and trying to inspire people to be more vulnerable and less shameful trough my instagram and my talk about shame that I’ve had both in the membership and other places, and I never would have been where I am today without Anette’s help and support."
Sara, Doctor and advocate for women's rights 
"I lived with severe anxiety, and life was simply far from bright when we had our first session, but from there it has only gone one way. Absolutely bumps along the way, but Anette has guided me through them, and they no longer take over my life and no longer steal all my energy. I have the tools to get through, to stand in my feelings, to welcome them and not push them away. A few years ago, I could lie awake all night worrying about one thing, now I know better, and I'm no longer awake all night if the anxiety becomes too strong, because I have tools to calm down my nervous system."

Examples of WORK: 

Self-love and body image 
Building a heart-led business
Increasing sales

Book a FREE 15 minute DISCOVERY CALL with me:

Fill out the form below, and I will get in contact with you to schedule our discovery call. 

Are you ready to unblock and finally pursue your dreams?

Book your 1:1 coaching with me today and let's get started creating magic together! 

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Let's get started doing magic together! Buy your 4-pack bundle of 1:1 coaching sessions with me to get started on your journey towards unblocking.

8-pack bundle


Are you ready for a bigger commitment and serious about unblocking from whatever is holding you back from going after the life you dream about?