Launching Soon: The Emotional Journey of Pregnancy

Your best support in the journey as a new mother

Pregnancy can be an emotional and overwhelming time, with many thought and feelings coming to the surface. Sometimes it just feels too much, and we don’t know how to handle it. If there’s one thing I have learned, it’s that emotions are meant to be expressed. When they are, we can turn our fear, anger, frustration, sadness and grief into power. Something truly magical happens when we allow ourselves to express it all.

In this course I am sharing with you all my experiences of making your pregnancy your most magical portal. A portal from the maiden into motherhood. There is no going back. You’re not gonna “pop back” to any old self. You’re creating a new, empowered self. And I am here for you every step of the way!

A course for pregnant women in their transition to motherhood

  • I will guide you on how to go through your fears and limiting beliefs, and to welcome the new, mother version of you. 
  • I will teach you how to release anger, fear, sorrow and shame you hold around pregnancy, and also generational feelings that come up. 
  • I will hold space for you in your discomfort of change and in the unknown. 
  • I will teach you which superpowers we get with the "mom brain", and how to release anxiety. 
  • And I will share my best tips for total wellbeing in a pregnant body, mind and soul.

In-depth knowledge

With 34 videos that support you through anything from handling a changing body to the power of affirmations and self-talk during pregnancy and connecting deeply with your partner

Real Experiences

Learn from my real-life experiences, for example how I went from grieving my old-self, debilitating anxiety and struggling with a changing body, to embodying the pregnancy glow and having a blissful home-birth

Continuous Support

I am there for you every step of the way, and would love to connect and hear from you if you have any questions along-side your self-study. I am also available for support 1:1


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A Sneak Peak Into The Course

In short video format, we will dive into...

Module 1

  • Finding Out: My Story
  • Feeling Isolated and Seeking Help
  • Fear of The Unknown
  • Sharing the News
  • Handling Partners Emotions
  • “Meeting” Your Baby for the First Time
  • Learning to Trust in the Unknown
  • Methods, Apps and Tools for Early Pregnancy
  • Handling our Changing Body 

Module 2

  • The Brilliant Mom Brain
  • Superpowers We Unlock During Pregnancy
  • Oxytocin Flow
  • Increased Anxiety and How To Handle It
  • Processing Emotions
  • The Super Powers of the “Mom Brain”


Module 3

  • The Most Common Emotions And How to Process Them
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Grief
  • Shame


Module 4

  • Self Love Massage
  • Movement For Emotional, Physical and Mental Health
  • Practicing Boundaries
  • How To Handle Fearful Birth Stories
  • Positive Birth Stories
  • The Power of Affirmations and Self Talk
  • The Power of Our Minds and How We Can Change Anything
  • Be Gentle and Kind With Yourself and Witness The Miracle Unfold
  • Photos of The Bump
  • Rituals For Processing Emotions
  • And so much more..