Soul Readings:

Welcome to Soul Readings with Susi. In my practice, I use the Akashic Records to gather all the information I need, in order to present to you who you are at a soul level, what your energetic gifts are, why your soul came here, and also what is currently blocking and limiting you. I am honored to connect intimately with your soul, and help you create what you want to, in this lifetime. I am a certified Soul Realignment® Practitioner, and this is the method I use in my practice.



In a Soul Reading you will get to know: 

- Your energy type and authentic gifts
- Where your biggest challenges may lie, and how to navigate them
- How to handle challenging people in your life
- Navigating repeating patterns and limiting beliefs
- Biggest blocks and releasing them
- And so much more
Learn more about her soul readings

About Susanne:

Susanne has a background from business school, with a masters in Econometrics and Finance from Copenhagen Business School. She has worked for the United Nations, and Susanne is the co-founder of Radical Broccoli, and has the past 10 years in exploration of humans' inner universe, our emotional and energetic body, and how we relate to the world. She has become an expert in seeing where you hold yourself back, what your limiting beliefs are, and where you are not in alignment with your highest self. She is a pisces sun, aries rising, capricorn moon. and an emotional generator 4/6 profile in Human Design.
Susanne reads the Akashic Records, and can provide you with a reading of your soul profile, as well as your natural gifts to the world, and what may be hindering you in living them out fully. Susanne is here to help you when you feel like you need guidance and support. When you are facing obstacles, she can help mirror you and figure out which programming that hides behind what seems to be the issue. Susanne in an expert in helping you find and heal the root cause of any problem, and to implement changes in your day to day life.
Susanne holds space for emotional issues, and can help you sort through difficult emotional experiences, and let your body express them safely and healthily.

TESTIMONIALS from previous SOUL READING clients:

Marthe Askeland Hagen:

«The experience was magical, genuine, and beautiful, for which I am incredibly grateful. I truly wish for all souls out there to be read and interpreted by Susanne. Thank you for making me feel even more secure in myself now. And for giving me the opportunity to understand myself even a little bit more.»

Anna Torper: 

"I found our session very rewarding for me. I am left with an even greater curiosity about who I am and why I am the way I am. It was very exciting to hear you talk about things that I recognize so clearly in myself, in such a specific way."

Soul Reading


Invest in getting to know yourself at the soul level, so you can create more flow and abundance in your life

Schedule your SOUL READING with me:

Fill out the form below, and I will get in contact with you to schedule our session, and ask for the information I need.