Manifest your wildest dreams in 2024


A 3-part course with Camilla Tromborg

Are you ready to start manifesting your dreams? In this 3 part course held by Camilla Tromborg you will learn how to Manifest your deepest desires. Let's start 2024 off right by getting clear on what your big dreams & desires actually are, and let's break them down into how you can use manifestation and the Law of Attraction to call it all in. Camilla has been called a "Master Manifestor" by so many by now, and she says; "I gotta admit, manifesting things, opportunities, experiences, people etc. has become so easy by now. And there are some very simple steps that I've learned over the past many years that have helped me to manifest AMAZING things into my life" – and the best part is: YOU CAN DO IT TOO!  

In this 3 week course Camilla will help you start learning about, understanding & using the Law of Attraction so that you can start manifesting everything you desire in this life! There are 3 "steps" to the manifestation process, and it is exactly those 3 things that we will cover over the first 3 weeks of the new year. Step 1: Ask. Step 2: Believe. And the final step 3: Receive! 


Step 1 / 4th of Jan:


Asking for what you want is the first step in the manifestation process. But to able to do this, we need to ask ourselves: what do we actually want and desire deep down? Many of us go through life being very clear about what we DON´T want, and then focusing our attention towards that. But instead we can actually use this exact knowledge as fuel for figuring out what it is that we DO want. Getting crystal clear about that and truly connecting to it and knowing from a deep place within what it is that we want in life, is key to starting to call it all into our life. 

Step 2 / 10th of Jan:


Once we are clear on what it is that we want, both big and small things, it's time to start working on our subconscious mind. Simply wanting something is easy, but you also have to believe it is available and possible for you. If you deep down don't believe that you could ever get the thing you desire, then you are actually repelling the things you try to attract. So this step in the manifestation process is to start believing that what you want and desire, can actually become your reality.

Step 3 / 17th of Jan:


The final step of the manifestation process, and maybe the best part; receiving! You have gotten clear about what you want, and you have started working on believing it not only from a conscious level, but also from a subconscious level, so now the final step is to lean back, let go, trust and RECEIVE. In this step, we will get into the Law of Assumption, and tune into how it feels to already have what it is that you deeply dream of in your life. Everything is frequency, and your vibration is what will call in everything you desire, you just have to tune into it & embody it fully. 


€50,00 EUR

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